Start A Group – Grow Your Pipeline

Interested In Starting A CREA Chapter?

Whether you are new to the real estate industry or a seasoned advisor with years of experience and you are looking to elevate your business to a higher standard, CREA United may be just what you have been looking for. We believe now more than ever — as we emerge from the COVID-19 crisis — it is time for CREA United to pay it forward and share the secrets of our success.

Learn how you can grow your network by leaps and bounds.

CREA United Full Webinar

If you are interested in starting your own CREA United Group, please note that it’s not something that will happen overnight; it’s a process that will take some time and effort on your part in order to ensure success; you must be willing to make the commitment. The Founders, Darren Lizzack & Randy Horning, are going to train and guide you through the process, and provide you with the knowledge and resources they themselves have obtained through years of hard work and dedication. There is also a monetary obligation on your part, however, if you follow clear direction from the founders of the organization, you will not only get your money back in a relatively short time, you will also be contributing to the building blocks for your own future success with unlimited income potential.

To provide more color and gain more insight, please contact us today. The first step is informing us of your interest in participating in this endeavor. Please submit your information and someone will contact you with further instruction.

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