Active 1 month, 1 week ago
Company Bio
Sage AV offers cutting edge audiovisual design and installation to help homeowners and businesses use the latest technologies in a simple and seamless way. They work on a wide variety of projects including high-end residential, mixed-use properties and commercial properties, etc. Their quality audiovisual integration services and the professional relationship they forge has helped them get some of the best clients in the market. Personal Bio
Kelly is a professional cultivator of valuable and strategic relationships, propelling 13+ years of successful, profitable, recognizable, consumer-trusted and competitor-respected organizations. She has a diverse portfolio in companies grown, including but not limited to textile manufacturing; civil engineering; health, fitness and sports performance training and services; and audiovisual technology integration. She is currently Sage AV's Business Development Executive based out of NYC. She holds her BBA in International Business Management, with a Minor in Latin American Studies, and Concentration in Hospitality and Tourism from Pace University (Pleasantville & NYC). She is a Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, and owner of Kelly O. Fitness LLC. founded in 2014. Kelly lived and worked in Auckland, New Zealand for a year with the role of Section Administrator for Beca Ltd.'s Transport and Infrastructure team (Civil Engineering) where she grew to love the Māori people and culture.